Hell week.

These past few days I've slept only for like 2 or 3 hours. Can you see those black circles under my eyes and those dots on my forehead? Well, those hideous sights are the results of my compliance to our industrious and fussy teachers.

[x] Physics music video
[x] Chemistry project
[x] THE cross stitch
[x] ABR powerpoint report
[x] MAPEH project
[x] Technical writing Library research report, tentative outline, rough draft in yellow pad, etc
[x] Upcoming quizzes
[x] Periodic tests on Aug 18-20

= Add them up and you'll get HELL. Oh gawsh. They say that this is what 3rd year in Masci is all about. Stress, pressure, cramming, you name it. Good thing I'm used to these things. Wish me luck. >.<