Oh maybe.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
 Maybe you have your eye on someone, maybe they have your eye on you. Take the plunge and it'll be worth it all. I took the test "What love quote suits you?" on facebook and that's the result. Haha. I'm not really active on facebook but I opened my account a while ago because I'm bored. Well, that quote suits me in some ways. :P
Today is your typical "boring and busy but fun" day. We had our experiment #10 in Physics about those dominoes. Geez. We had a hard time fixing them up because they kept on falling at the wrong time but our class had fun. We discussed something in our English class. We sang a birthday song to our beloved adviser even though her birthday is still 2 days away. We also did some exercises on her Advanced Algebra class. Our group performed some experiment on Chemistry class. We had no classes from 9:40 onwards. So my classmates and I were given the chance to cram for our MAPEH artworks.
Tiffany, Amaka and I went to mcdo to eat lunch. Then Amaka and I went to WHO library to research for our topic in TW but to our dismay, we found out that we need some kind of permit from the school to be able to enter the place. So we decided to proceed to National Historical Institute because Amaka said that the place is airconditioned. We kinda got lost along the way, because we were not really familiar with the location of the said building. With the directions of a kind guard, we finally found the place. We pretended that we need to research about Japanese occupation so that we could enter the said place. We were successful in eluding those guards. Little did they know that our sole intention in going there is to cool ourselves down and not to read about World war II. Haha. Amaka and I finally felt relieved because we were able to cool ourselves down in the airconditioned library while reading something about Philippine history. We went to the National library by 4pm. Good thing we didn't saw that weird, psycho guy. Then we went back to school and I decided to go home at 5:30pm.
And oh, I learned something today that made me smile. I don't know why but it made me reminisce of what we were several years ago. We suddenly lost communication because of some matters. We saw each other last December but he ignored me. So I, who was too shy to take the first step at that time, pretended not to know him also. But now, it feels good to know that he still remembers me and he's interested to reconnect with me. Hahaha. The good thing is, somebody is there to make reconnecting with him possible.
Okay. So my boring post ends here. Good night. :P
Oh maybe.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
 Maybe you have your eye on someone, maybe they have your eye on you. Take the plunge and it'll be worth it all. I took the test "What love quote suits you?" on facebook and that's the result. Haha. I'm not really active on facebook but I opened my account a while ago because I'm bored. Well, that quote suits me in some ways. :P
Today is your typical "boring and busy but fun" day. We had our experiment #10 in Physics about those dominoes. Geez. We had a hard time fixing them up because they kept on falling at the wrong time but our class had fun. We discussed something in our English class. We sang a birthday song to our beloved adviser even though her birthday is still 2 days away. We also did some exercises on her Advanced Algebra class. Our group performed some experiment on Chemistry class. We had no classes from 9:40 onwards. So my classmates and I were given the chance to cram for our MAPEH artworks.
Tiffany, Amaka and I went to mcdo to eat lunch. Then Amaka and I went to WHO library to research for our topic in TW but to our dismay, we found out that we need some kind of permit from the school to be able to enter the place. So we decided to proceed to National Historical Institute because Amaka said that the place is airconditioned. We kinda got lost along the way, because we were not really familiar with the location of the said building. With the directions of a kind guard, we finally found the place. We pretended that we need to research about Japanese occupation so that we could enter the said place. We were successful in eluding those guards. Little did they know that our sole intention in going there is to cool ourselves down and not to read about World war II. Haha. Amaka and I finally felt relieved because we were able to cool ourselves down in the airconditioned library while reading something about Philippine history. We went to the National library by 4pm. Good thing we didn't saw that weird, psycho guy. Then we went back to school and I decided to go home at 5:30pm.
And oh, I learned something today that made me smile. I don't know why but it made me reminisce of what we were several years ago. We suddenly lost communication because of some matters. We saw each other last December but he ignored me. So I, who was too shy to take the first step at that time, pretended not to know him also. But now, it feels good to know that he still remembers me and he's interested to reconnect with me. Hahaha. The good thing is, somebody is there to make reconnecting with him possible.
Okay. So my boring post ends here. Good night. :P
"how could you come with me when you knew all along that you had to go
how could you memorize my name and forget who I am
how could you ask for more with an innocent smile trusting me to stay
how could you close the door and leave me here supposing I'm ok"
She's Jessica. Needs gifts every 01-21. Junior at Manila Science High School. Single. Mild cases of Onomatophobia, Spectrophobia and Acrophobia. Expert crammer. Friendly. Outgoing. Sarcastic. Nice. Moody.